
Danube Peace Boat Finished

Tin Bačun and Marko Bičanić are filmmakers who as Croatian representatives took part on a traveling festival, the international school of media education and workshops in a floating classroom!

From July 20 to 28 Danube Peace Boat took place in Vienna, Budapest, Ilok, Vukovar, Novi Sad and Belgrade – an international project that has literally traveled the Danube from Vienna to Belgrade and brought together 23 young filmmakers from Austria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Hungary, Greece, USA and Croatia.

European understanding and joint actions to create opportunities for everyone to participate in the development of intercultural media pedagogy and new, digital multimedia education. The Danube project applied the experience of partners from all of the above countries in the creation of film, animation, audiovisual and educational presentations of natural, cultural, historical and traditional values of the Danube region.

Main elements of the project were:

  • Traveling Danube Photo, Animation and Film Festival-Exhibition (multimedia) in connection with Danube River and seven main issues: Peace, Dialogue, Heritage, Environment, Development, Human Rights, Inclusion;
  • Floating Intercultural Classroom;
  • Bridge for International and Interactive promotion of dialogue and diversity;
  • Platform for modern, frequent and creative lifelong learning cooperation;
  • Long-term development of the sustainable ecological actions and environmental spirit, condition for further development of the green technologies;
  • Movement for creative, permanent implementation of the Media, Information and Peace Literacy in the Danube Region related to promotion of the culture, tradition and historical heritage;
  • In the first phase of the project in July 2015 the participants travelled on a boat and visited Vienna, Budapest, Vukovar, Ilok, Novi Sad and Belgrade.
  • By the end of the project in 2015, all participants will design and produce unique films, animations, media news, TV reports, radio shows, material for websites, blogs, educational, cultural and environmental events for the general use of the platform project, media and social networks.

Croatian participants were Marko Bičanić and Tin Bačun from the association Blank_film incubator from Zagreb, which have won the award for Best Film in the open category at the recently held Youth Film Festival in Karlovac – this travel on the Danube was a sort of a reward, according to the traditional practice of the Croatian Film Association: the winners of both Children and Youth Festivals, as a reward for the successful work, go to children and youth festivals around the world - whether they participate as members of the jury, or in different workshop programs. Needless to mention, Tin and Marko presented Four River Film Festival during their time on board and they tried to attract as many high school filmmakers to come to the Festival that await us next year.

Special guests of the Danube Peace Boat were representatives of the UN Alliance for Civilization, UNESCO, Unity in Diversity, World Civil Society and T.I.M.E. from the United States.

On Monday, July 27 the boat came to Belgrade where the film crew welcomed the participants of the International Youth Media Summit (a total of ca. 100) - including the Croatian delegation of ten representatives, but that is the topic for another news report. Perhaps the best conclusion is Tin’s message to the Croatian Film Association after returning to Croatia: So, after we arrived and after I slept for 14 hours straight, I wanted to send you a message of thanks, because the experience was really great. Although it sounds like a cliché, we became so close with certain people on board in just 8 days. The road trips, visits to cities, going out, and the work that we were doing was great, I enjoyed really every minute of the experience.


Supported by


Croatian Film Association
Cinema Club Karlovac


Croatian Audiovisual Centre
Croatian Association of Technical Culture
City of Karlovac
County of Karlovac
Karlovac Tourist Board

Technical support

Karlovac High School
Technical Culture Community of Karlovac