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ARISTOTELES WORKSHOP (AW) is a HDTV training center based in Transylvania, Romania, dedicated to foster a new generation of creative documentary filmmakers in Central and Eastern Europe.

Established in 2005, with support from the TV channel arte, AW offers both a hands-on approach and a continuous tutoring system. During this 4 week workshop, well established international experts will guide the students through every step of the planning, production and post-production process.

You may apply only if you meet the following requirements:

  • You are fluent in English.
  • You work or study in the areas of screenwriting, producing, directing, cinematography, editing and sound design.

You must submit a package consisting of:

  • Application with photo.
  • Resume or curriculum vitae.
  • Sample of your work (in English or with English subtitles).
  • Letter of recommendation.
  • Motivation letter for wanting to join AW.

Entries should be postmarked by May 30th, 2009, and mailed to:

ARTE France
Relations Internationales
8 Rue Marceau
92785 Issy-les-Moulineaux, Cedex 9, France

Please address all your questions or concerns to:

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U utorak 28.4. od 17h na rasporedu je drugi dio programa hrvatskih alternativnh filmova i videa, po izboru Željka Sarića... »više

Kino Tuškanac 28. travnja - Vlado Gotovac, moj slučaj

Biografski dokumentarni film Vlado Gotovac, moj slučaj u režiji Bogdana Žižića, a po ideji Marka Grčića, o životu jednog od najznačajnijih hrvatskih političara i govornika progovara kroz njegov književni rad i razgovor s najbližim članovima obitelji i prijateljima... »više

Filmski programi u kinu Tuškanac od 27. travnja do 4. svibnja 2009. godine

Ciklus indijskog filma nastavlja se s još nekoliko filmova ove intrigantne kinematografije: Lutalica, snimljen 1951. redatelja, producenta i glumca Ray Kapoora. Slijedi drugi film Satyajit Raya Pjesma puta iz 1955... »više

Filmovi HFS-a na međunarodnim festivalima u travnju

TRANZYT 2009 – Festival dokumentarnog filma, Poznan, Poljska, 18. – 24. 04. 2009.
U službenoj konkurenciji ovog Festivala nalaze se dva filma iz produkcije Hrvatskog filmskog saveza... »više