This year at the 17th Youth Film Festival and the 5th Four River Film Festival we award a total of 11 awards:
National category (17th Youth Film festival):
The award for the best animated film
The award for the best documentary
The award for the best live action film
The award for the best freestyle film
International category (5th Four River Film Festival):
The award for the best animated film
The award for the best documentary
The award for the best live action film
The award for the best freestayle film
Grand Prix for the best film

Audience award for the best film
Considering the growing power of the film chemical reaction between film elements and the audience, in 2010, it was discovered that this chemical reaction also has potential to make an impact in a broader social context. Therefore, a new and unique award was introduced at YFF and FRFF, the Yellow Flag – an award for the contribution to nonviolence through film. Aside from the usual side effect – the omnipresent colour yellow, this award, that strives to show the perception of violence in the work of young filmmakers, has given very successful results. The best reactant in the Yellow Flag competition is decided by a jury of three successful high school students, not only in the field of film-chemistry, while one of the jury members is the winner of last year’s Grand Prix for the most successful film reaction of the previous year, that is, the author of the best film.
This film-chemical reaction is further instigated by the element of debate: Does violence on film prompt violence in reality, and by a compound of five workshops comprising the educational programme of the festival.