YFF and FRFF team was also joined by 83-year old Ljubo Jelčić who, in a studio in Zagreb, recorded the text for the new trailer for the upcoming Youth Film Festival and Four River Film Festival.
This legendary radio host is perhaps better known for his numerous TV appearances, but it was on the Croatian Radio that he began his career in the media and, many years later, took his retirement from. He has officially been retired for twenty years but continued to actively collaborate with Channel 3 of the Croatian Radio until last year. Jelčić has had previous experience with film, lending his voice to animation film characters, but the festival team from Karlovac has now again brought him back to the medium.
It seems his ties with Karlovac don’t stop here, because it is a lesser known fact that, before getting on the radio, Jelčić was first an actor, in the 50s in Karlovac, when the town still had a working professional theatre. Jelčić lived there at the time and, leafing through last year’s festival catalogue, in which Edison cinema appears on the first page, where the grand festival opening was held, he asks us how things are with the cinema these days, remembering long ticket queues for popular films in those days.
The 17th Youth Film Festival and the 4th Four River Film Festival, organized by the Croatian Film Association and the Cinema Club Karlovac, are held from 12th to 15th September in Karlovac. There will definitely again be long queues to get into Edison cinema and city theatre Zorin dom.
21. 5. 2012