Interview with Radojka Tanhofer: »Comrade, would you like to do editing?« Petar Krelja, Hrvoje Turković, Slaven Zečević
Frame and shot, framing and cutting Gilles Deluze
From one image to another? Deleuze and film ages Jacques Rancière
Thinking the image as the image of thought. Note on Deleuze’s filmosophy Tonči Valentić
Deleuze, Guattari and the art of opposing dominant structures of meaning Saša Vojković
About collective awareness and accuracy of Croatian moving pictures data Mladen Juran
Return to chaos (Personal reading of Branko Belan’s Film Syntax and Poetics) Slaven Zečević
Framing of text. Film narration and focalization in Alessandro Baricco’s novel City Krešimir Purgar
New music guidelines. Kubrick after 2001: A Space Odyssey – A Clockwork Orange Irena Paulus
The Golden crates of communism (on Aleksandar Dovzhenko’s film poetics) Marijan Krivak
All that dystopian films are suppressing... and revealing Srećko Horvat
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