Faktor was born in Crnac, Slavonia, in 1953. He deals with experimental film, photography, video and video installations. He has shot films and subsequenly videos ever since 1975. Since 1979 he has taken part in conceptualist actions and exhibitions, film and video performances, mounted installations and done multimedia shows.
In 1995 he took part at the 46th Venice Biennale (A Casa/At Home 2) and in 2002 was representative of Croatia at the 25th Biennial in Sao Paolo. He has won numerous prizes and awards, including the Grand Prix at the 11th Croatian Film Days, 2002, the annual Vladimir Nazor Prize for film, 2002, and the Grand Prix of the 39th Zagreb Salon, 2005.
- 1994. Godišnja nagrada SCCA, Zagreb
- 1997. Ex Aequo, 15. Slavonski biennale, Osijek
- 2002. Grand Prix 11. Dana hrvatskog filma, Zagreb
- 2003. Godišnja nagrada "Vladimir Nazor" za film, Zagreb
- 2003. Pečat grada Osijeka, Osijek
- 2004. Nagrada Multimeridijan '04, Pula
- 2005. Velika nagrada 39. zagrebačkog salona, Zagreb
- 1975. Papirnata gozba / Paper-Banquet, 16 mm, 6'
- 1975. Zlatno tele 2 / The Golden Calf 2, 16 mm, 8'
- 1977. Kirway Sv. Antuna Padovanskog / Church Fiest of St. Anthony of Padua, 16 mm, 6'
- 1978. Prvi program / Channel One, 16 mm, 12'
- 1978. Svodići od grilaža / Little Sugar Vaults, 16 mm, 3'
- 1979. Ivan Faktor, Vlastimir Kusik, Marijan Sušac, Josip Alebić, 16 mm, 3'
- 1979. Ravnoteža na tavanu OZ / Balance on the Garret of OZ, 16 mm, 3'
- 1979. Juke-box, 16 mm, 12'
- 1980. Autoportret / Self-portrait, 16 mm, 10'
- 1980. Eumig S 905, S-8 mm, 18'
- 1980./1. F DS - 40 W, S-8 mm, 29'
- 1982. 2F BB - 40 W, 16 mm, 24'
- 1982. TV 31 - 1 MINIRAMA, 16 mm, 12'
- 1983. Kamera projektor I / Camera Projector I, 16 mm, 27'
- 1985. Tramvaj / A Tram, 16 mm, 18' (nedovršeno / unfinished)
- 1987. Fritz Lang und Ich, 16 mm, 9' (nedovršeno / unfinished)
- 2002. Das Lied ist aus, VHS / BETA SP, 18'
- 2004. Mörder unter uns, BETA SP, 12'30''
- 2005. Željko Jerman – Moj mjesec / Željko Jerman – My Month, BETA SP, 9'50''
- 2006. Autoportret / Self-portrait, BETA SP, 7'45''
- 2007. Kangaroo Court, BETA SP, 7'30''
- 2010. Pustara / Wasteland, HD, 26'
- 2011. Le Samouraï, HD/ Digi BETA, 22'
- 2013. Strange Fruit, HD, 22´32˝
- 2016. I would leave everything here, DV/DCP; color, 11'
- 1981. Video rad II / Video Work II, 8'
- 1991. Osijek, Petak 13. 9. 1991. / Osijek, Friday 13th , Sept. 1991., 13'
- 1992. Opća bolnica Osijek 1991. (Petak 13, drugi dio) / General Hospital Osijek (Friday 13th, part two), 13'
- 1992. Guards, 8'
- 1992./3. Ratni spotovi / War Clips, 21'
- 1994. Fritz Lang und Ich, 60'
- 2002. Sedamdeset i jedan / Seventy One, 2'
- 2003. Alergija / Allergy, 3'