Dražen Movre: From the seventh Row left
The editor of the posthumously printed
collection of Dražen Movre’s film reviews Diana Nenadić
organized Movre’s saved texts chronologically by dividing
the book entitled after Movre’s film column in the Glas
Slavonije into two parts. The first, contains reviews
from the Glas Slavonije from the year 1973 to 1975,
while the second contains reviews published in Vijenac between
the years1995 and 1997. An excellent preface with a detailed
analytical description of Movre’s reviews, his outlook,
attitudes and procedures was written by Hrvoje Turković.
This text almost completely covers all qualities of Movre’s
writing about film, his observations and thoughts, so that
almost nothing could be add to it.
Like Vladimir Vuković, whose book of collected reviews
was also posthumously published at the beginning of the
nineties, Dražen Movre was a writer of so called literary
style, which was in his case quite picturesque, namely,
he would often retell content of a film. However, for Movre,
retelling content as well as an inclination towards expressing
his own impressions is not an alibi for arbitrariness or
using empty phrases, but it enables lucid insights. Sometimes
he even fascinates by drawing attention to what is usually
considered unimportant or marginal.
The thing that was particualrly interesting for me in Dražen
Movre’s texts was his occasional inclination towards incidental
polemics with unnamed fellow critics, rarely direct, more
often implicit. Another interesting Dražen Movre’s trait
was his political oppositionism. In the texts published
in Vijenac it
was striking and open, but more interesting was the one
in the Glas Slavonije from
the time after the mass national movement in Croatia at
the beginning of seventies, when Movre expressed so much
explicit universal antimilitary spirit that it was completely
clear that neither current Yugoslav political and military
leadership, nor governing caste were spared.
Political opposition of Dražen Movre can be connected with
some kind of film critic oppositionism. Unlike Hitchcock’s
fans (hičkokovci) or even more unlike the critics of Film magazine (filmovci),
and according to his belief that film as an art was mostly
spoilt by Hollywood industrial spirit, he was not a great fan
of the classical period of Hollywood films. Therefore, during
his »Slavonian period« he was very critical even of indisputable
authorities such as Hitchcock. It is possible that this had
certain impact on the fact that a critic of such potential
as Movre showed in the Glas Slavonije stayed completely
outside the circle of critics that wrote for Film and
other magazines, although his writing was superior to a large
number of Film contributors. One should also emphasize
that Movre’s texts in the Glas Slavonije were written
for a specific purpose. They were articles for a daily newspaper,
but these daily newspaper reviews were anthological achievements
and they certainly excel contemporary film criticism daily
production. Damir Radić |