Ben Cain: Kažeš im nešto što započne priču, DAZ, četvrtak 05. travnja 2007. u 20 sati

Gledati unatrag

Pred vama je umjetnost ili iluzija ostvarivanja vremena, ljudi, ideja i mjesta, koja još nisu dio fizičkog svijeta.

Nešto što će se tek dogoditi, nešto što nas čeka iza ugla.

Bijeli zečevi, ideali, nevidljiva publika, usvojena i izmišljena sjećanja, itd.

Daleko od dubine riječi alkemija, ovdje se radi o uključivanju promatračevih vizija budućnosti i dalekih mjesta u prvi plan, na trenutak.

Ovaj rad se također igra s paravanima, maskama i preprekama, svim onim što može utjecati na vizije ili ih umanjiti.

Subjekt nas gleda unatrag kroz crne naočale.

Kada se nalaziš u nepregledno otvorenom prostoru (ispunjenim zvijezdama, prostoru izvan atmosfere ili prostoru mišljenja), navođen si na razmišljanje i predviđanje, izmišljati priče ili uzmaknuti.

(Ben Cain)

Samostalna izložba Bena Caina: Kažeš im nešto što započne priču otvara se u sklopu ciklusa predavanja i izložbi Performing the space; organizacija Društvo arhitekata Zagreba u suradnji s Hrvatskim filmskim savezom; autorice programa Ivana Meštrov i Davorka Perić.

Društvo arhitekata Zagreba, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 3/I;

Ben Cain je rođen u Leedsu, 1975. godine. Umjetničko obrazovanje je primio u Institute of Art and Design, Cardiff, Barcelona School of Art, Manchester Metropolitan University te na postdiplomskom programu za umjetnost, dizajn i teoriju Jan Van Eyck Akademije u Maastrichtu. Živi i radi u Londonu i Zagrebu. Izlagao je na velikom broju hrvatskih i svjetskih grupnih izložbi zajedno s Tinom Gverović i samostalno.

Kraća selekcija recentnih grupnih i samostalnih izložbi:

  • 07.2007. Far Out. Associates gallery, London.
  • 01.2007. ‘Ground Lost’. Forum Stadtpark, Graz.
  • 09.2006. ‘Here and Now, Present but not Concrete’. Instalacija. The museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana.
  • 06.2006. ‘Monuments for Nikola Tesla’. Poster. Galerija Nova, Zagreb.
  • 05.2006. ‘Spy’s and Subjects’. Instalacija. Notice Gallery, London.
  • 05.2006. ‘This is What it's Like’. Instalacija unutar izložbe ‘Fordham at Netwerk’, Netwerk gallery, Brussels.
  • 03.2006. ‘Score for Complex Scene’. Instalacija. Galerija PM.
  • 12.2005. Untitled. Video / audio instalacija za ‘C B’. Museum of Modern Art, Maribor.
  • 11.2005. ‘Ok, Picture the Scene’. Video/audio instalacija. Juliette Jongma Gallery, Amsterdam.
  • 10.2005. Alice Day Gallery, Brussels. Projekcije videoradova.
  • 10.2005. Radio emitiranje recentnih audio radova. Resonance FM, London (Interview s Bobom i Robertom Smith).
  • 09.2005. ‘On Watching and Recording’. Video Installation. For ‘Insert’; Museum of Modern Art, Zagreb.
  • 09.2005. ‘Psychometrics’. Sound/Video instalacija. Galerija SC, Zagreb.
  • 09.2005. ‘All quiet on this side’. Fotografija producirana tijekom video radionice u Baranji.
  • 09.2005. ‘Vidimo’. Installation inc. Printed Matter, Video, Basketball court. For ‘Pustjerna’, Dubrovnik.
  • 08.2005. ‘Recordings’. Video instalacija producirana tijekom video radionice u Momjanu.
  • 06.2005. ‘We See’. Installation inc. poster and vinyl record. For ‘Trunk Show’. The Woman’s Library. London.
  • 05.2005. Urbane intervencije za MSU, Zagreb. (audio rad produciran na 7” vinyl ploča).
  • 12.2004. Untitled. Video instalacija. Za ‘Ordinacija’, Galerija SC, Zagreb.
  • 09.2004. Da ili Ne. Video installation inc. Framed photograph, spoken text, wall drawing. Pokazana u Cetinju, Dubrovniku, Mostaru.
  • 06.2004. Untitled. Instalacija za projekt 'Pilot'.Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb.
  • 06.2004. ‘You Saw Nothing’. Instalacija. Izložba 'Relay', San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  • 03.2004. 'What to see, what to do, where to go'. 'Imagine Limerick', ev+a 2004, Limerick City Gallery, Limerick.
  • 02.2004. 'Third Part'. Stage, actors, script, video, still images. Gliptoteka, Zagreb.
  • 12.2003. 'Taking Pictures and Making Scenes'. 12 page contribution to publication 'Fantom Slobode' (pub. Zagreb, Croatia).
  • 10.2003. Untitled. Installation (spoken text, spot light, glass), Palace Milesi, Split, HR.
  • 09.2003. ‘Sirovina, Two Tina’s'. Video installation. Gallery Nova, Zagreb.
  • 08.2003. Screening of '’They Always Write the Place Names in Two Languages'. Video festival, Momjan, Istria, and Gallery Nova, Zagreb (14.10.2003). HR.‘They Always Write Place Names in Two Languages’.
    Also screened at 3rd International Kansk Video Festival, Russia; and at Millenium Film Workshop, NY.
  • 07.2003. 'It Started as a Fiction'. Video installation. 60 min b/w video, wall drawing. Poster (ed. 500),
    Gallery Otok, Dubrovnik, HR.
  • 05.2003. '80 Years Ago', characters, digital prints, photographs, works of Malevich, Rodchenko, Itten, Gabo.
    Annely Juda Gallery, UK.
  • 03.2003. 'Whiteboard Stages', poster / leaflet on issues related to associations between art and business,
    Funded by English Arts Council, UK.
  • 02.2003. 'If Fiction Was', writing, characters, mirrors. Glass Box Gallery, Manchester, UK.
  • 07.2002. 'Studio Lighting (TV drama)', text, actor, theatre lights. Mediator (temp. space), Dubrovnik, HR.
  • 04.2002. 'Event- Writing', furniture, performance, Fordham Gallery, Whitechapel, London.
  • 03.2002. 'Posters...' installation for book launch.Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, NL.
  • 02.2002. Bookwork artists book / catalogue pub. GAK, Bremen, Germany.
  • 09.2001. 'Directions for Performers', Project Gallery, Dublin, Ireland.
  • 08.2001. 'Discussion Room and Presentation Room’ for public art proposal. Belgrade Cultural Centre. Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
  • 12.2000. ‘What Does a Waitress do’. Actor, musician, text. With Tina gverovic. Gail Gates Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
  • 08.2000. ‘During / in Summer Nights’, seating and posters in ‘Pleasure Garden’, Tilburg, NL.
  • 07.2000. ‘Lectures on Lectures’. Presentation inc. sound, drawing, portacabin, Hallefurkunst, Lunaberg, Germany.
  • 04.2000. ‘What Happens When Nothing no Longer Happens’. Music, furniture, posters, kunsthalle, Bremen, Germany.
  • 03.2000. ‘Tale of Two Cities’. Actors, records, books. Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Maastricht, NL.
  • 02.2000. ‘Recording Stage in’. Stage, collections of music, events. With Jeanne van Heeswijk / Henry Moore Institute. Leeds, UK.
  • 11.1999. ‘Between Two Ends’. TV, microphones, receptionist, stages, soap opera.34th Zagreb salon, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • 10.1999. Untitled. Bread, seating, drawing curated by Gert Robijns / Franzisca Lesak. N.I.C.C. , Antwerp, Belgium.
  • 07.1999. ‘After the Riot’. Chess club and office of ‘Direct Services’. Centrum Beeledende Kunst, Maastricht, NL.
  • 06.1999. ‘No Mystery at all in Fact’. Command ‘N’ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.
  • 04.1999. Untitled. Huis van Bourgondie, theatre, Maastricht, NL.
  • 02.1999. Untitled. screening of 3min animation. Video festival. Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Maastricht, NL.
  • 07.1997. Untitled. Architectural model. ‘Transmission’ Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland.
  • 05.1997. ‘20/20’, Kingsgate Gallery, London and touring, UK.
