Program hrvatskih filmova na Rotterdamskom festivalu

Na 34. međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Rotterdamu, jednom od najvećih i najznačajnijih europskih filmskih festivala, koji se ove godine održava od 26. siječnja do 6. veljače, u posebnom programu pod nazivom "New Breeze from Croatia" prikazani su eksperimentalni filmski i videoradovi hrvatskih autora nastali u proteklih desetak godina. Autorica programa Rada Šešić izabrala je ove naslove:



ABSENCE Brede Beban

ARABESKA Damira Čučića

DAS LIED IST AUS Ivana Faktora

GLENN MILLER 2000 Tomislava Gotovca

IN/DIVIDU Nicole Hewitt


PISMO Ivana Ladislava Galete

PARKEN VERBOTEN Dalibora Martinisa

RUKA GOSPODARA Simona Bogojevića Naratha


Hrvatski program prvi je put prikazan 28. siječnja,  a ponavlja se 31. siječnja i 4. veljače.





Selected by Rada Sesic, Film making changed profoundly in Croatia in the 1960s, when film clubs and societies provided an opportunity for artistically talented students to express themselves in new, personal, daring and 'state of mind' types of films. Tomislav Gotovac (see the programme) was one of the founders of the GEFF Film Festival (1963-1970), which supported the theses of anti-film. This avant-garde cinema movement stirred all of former Yugoslavia. In the past decade, since the end of the last war, the Croatian art film scene has returned to dynamic and meaningful cinema. In their style and contemplative complexity, the directors are completely different from conventional state cinema production. Thanks to the energetic and visionary Vera Robic Skarica, producer of the Cinema Club Association and supporter of non-conventional cinema expression, this alternative production has also received government money. In this small sample of their work, it is remarkable how authors use a lot of imagination and personal poetry to explore the power of certain elements of pure cinema, and how they follow elaborate concepts in their mind, achieving visually uplifting and intellectually intriguing results.

