UMAS u suradnji s Kino klubom Split predstavlja

Light Cone je neprofitna organizacija iz Pariza koja djeluje od 1982. sa svrhom promoviranja, distribucije i očuvanja eksperimentalnog filma. Osnovali su je Yann Beauvis i Miles Mckane. Pet autora koji snimaju filmove na 16 mm vrpci predstavit će se svojim recentnim radovima 5.03.2010 u 17h u prostorijama Kino kluba Split. Filmovi će biti prikazani na filmskom projektoru, dakle, u izvornoj kvaliteti. Gost je jedan od autora, Dražen Zanchi, inače splićanin koji živi u Parizu i prezentirati će ovaj zanimljivi izbor kratkim uvodom. Ne propustite jedinstvenu priliku da pogledate vrijedan opus iz kolekcije suvremenog francuskog eksperimentalnog filma. Ulaz je slobodan.

9,5 >16
by Olivier FOUCHARD
2005 / 16 mm or DVD or Mini DV / n&b / silencieux / 3' 00

9,5>16 is with no doubt the achievement of film researches conducted ten years ago on ?rayograms? (see Man Ray's ?ciné-rayogrammes?) and researches on ?table printing?. 9,5>16 is a pure ?rayogram? film, without any figurative pattern, maybe realized in ?rayogram? by a experienced cameraman thanks to one or two reels, 9,5mm leader, B&W 16mm printing film (Kodak 7302 or equivalent) and with the sparkle of an empty lighter. "9,5>16" ? "9 1/2" ! It seems to me it is necessary to clarify this to avoid misunderstandings.

by Martine ROUSSET
2003 / 16 mm / coul / sonore / 20' 00

? The sea is a language which we have lost the sens ? J.L. Borges

The Mediterranean, this one. The sun.
Any Writing on the water ?
The vilent rumour of the wind on the sea.
The wild voice of the writing on the sea.
Some childlike fictions in the writing of the sea , certainly very cruels,
Some games of war.
Lost language.
Supreme Childhood
It is the sea wich win. Well Done.

by Nicolas REY
1996 / 16 mm / n&b / sonore / 10' 00

by Emmanuel LEFRANT
2009 / 35 mm or 16 mm / coul / sonore / 7' 00

Africa, 2003: the mechanisms of memory.

I shot the image of a landscape and buried simultaneously a film strip in the same place where the sequence was shot: the emulsion, the victim of erosion is thus subjected to biochemical degradation. The result of these natural processes of decay are then conserved in the state of their dissolution. Those two images, and their negative versions, are then entangled together thanks to double exposure and bi-packing techniques.

These landscapes in fusion, it's the logic of a world that reveals itself. A bipolar world, where invisible takes shape with the visible, where the first dissolves itself into the second and vice versa.


by Drazen ZANCHI
2008 / 16 mm / n&b / sonore / 30' 00

A Balkan road movie made by a Croation from Split. No fanfare, no trumpets, no Gypsies, no moustaches & no nudity ... the A1 highway is brand new: Split-Zagreb, an almost-new car, the sea alongside the Island of Vis and the magnetic Danube: a sound-track composed of murmurs from the time of war.
