Postmodern horror films as a Balkan genre: A Serbian Film by Srđan Spasojević
A Serbian Film by Srđan Spasojević has caused a great stir within the short period of its appearance at festivals. One part of the audience was delighted, while the other felt to have to leave the showing. The author himself faced some difficulties when cooperating with the studios which were supposed to edit the film and has therefore made the acquaintance of censors and the distribution police. Spasojević’s work has also become one of the most censored films in Great Britain in the last 16 years. This paper deals with the analysis of A Serbian Film within the framework of what Nevena Daković in her book The Balkans as a Genre calls “Balkan genre“ and the postmodern horror film. In his work Spasojević deals with a subject-matter that perfectly fits into the Balkan genre, the sub-genre of “urban neorealism“, to be precise. The film broaches the issue of the “little man” in the jaws of top politics which day-in-day-out exploits and destroys people in the worst possible way. A Serbian Film is a copy of the social situation and the settlement with trauma that has been piling up in Serbia in the last 20 years. The brutal and explicit violence that the director uses is characteristic of the postmodern horror film and, hence, the metaphor for today’s situation of Serbian society was successful. Toni Kostić |
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