Žižek against the whole world
Željka Matijaševic comments on the work of an internationally influential Slovenian philosopher, Slavoj Žižek, »The sublime object of ideology« that has been translated into Croatian. She considers the basic guidelines of Žižek’s work as a whole, which are only at their beginning in this significant and frequently mentioned on book. It is an endeavor to make not only Lacan, but also Hegel and Marx, more popular, and tells about Žižek’s project to reveal Lacan’s predecessors in post-Cartesian philosophy. The question of Žižek’s remarks on Hegel and his explanation of Hegel as ’Lacanian’ avant la letter, and the first post-marxist, which is contrary to almost all existing explanations of Hegel, is being discussed.
Željka Matijašević |