Contemporary theory in translation
Making Films Mean
(a translation Diana Nenadić)
The paper (excerpts from two
chapters of David Bordwell’s book Making Meaning: Inference
and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of Cinema) deals
with the definition, logic and an anatomy of film interpretation.
Bordwell shows how critical institutions, such as journalism,
essay writing and academic scholarship shape and constrain
film interpretation and film criticism in general.
U rubrici Suvremena teorija u prijevodu (Hrvatski
filmski ljetopis br. 6/1996.), objavili smo tekst Glorije
Withelm: Citat u filmu, koji je preveo Sead Ivan
Nažalost greškom je kod prijeloma ispušteno
ime prevoditelja, zbog čega se gospodinu Muhamedagiću iskreno
Također se moramo ispričati što s tako velikim zakašnjenjem
objavljujemo ispravak greške na koju smo trebali odmah
reagirati. David Bordwell |